Ayr Branch BCSS
to the
Ayr Branch
of the
British Cactus and Succulent Society
We are a friendly group of enthusiasts of cactus and succulent plants based in the west of Scotland.
We hold regular meetings at the Hurlford Community Centre near Kilmarnock. See the Meetings page on the menu above.
The winners of each plant of the month competition and show classes are featured in our meeting reports and photograph pages. This also includes a resume of the monthly meetings.
Prospective new members are welcome at any of our meetings.
We now have a Facebook Page
For more details contact the Secretary - Alan Sidaway
NEW (February 2019)
1. January 2019 Plant of the Month Competition photos added.
2. February 2019 Plant of the Month Competition photos added.
NEW (November 2018)
1. November 2018 Table Show photos added.
NEW (February 2018)
1. February 2018 Plant of the Month Competition photos added.
NEW (November 2017)
1. November 2017 Table Show photos added.
NEW (October 2017)
1. The website is now mobile phone friendly
2. Optional higher resolution photos are now available for virtually all photos in the photo galleries.
3. There is a search facility to allow searches on the associated text of all the gallery photos (see under the 'Home' menu).
4. On the photo gallery pages there are 'previous' and 'next' icons to allow easy movement to the previous/next photo gallery.
5. May and September 2017 meeting reports/photos added
6. Random photos from the photo galleries are now being displayed on the Home, Meeting and Links pages.
7. October 2017 Plant of the month photos added.

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