Ayr Branch BCSS
May 2012 Meeting &
Plant of the Month Competition
Haworthias by Graham Walker
Graham has been growing plants for 35 years, and his main plant is Haworthia, which he has been growing for 25 years. These plants started as Aloes in 1685, but were accepted as a separate genus in 1812-1827. In the mid 1800's it was put back into Aloes, then in 1870 it was reintroduced back into Haworthia.
The plant was named after Adrian Hardy Haworth, 1768-1833, most of the plants come from south of South Africa. There are three main sections - Haworth/Hexangulares/robustipedunculares. We then went on to see some habitat places and some pot plants in his collection. Associated genera are sometimes cross hybrids, we then saw some plants in the "Baker" collection and David Slade's habitat shots.
An excellent talk given very well by Graham, who the following day judged the zone show which we were hosting.
Plant of the Month Pictures - Gymnocalycium
High resolution versions of the photos are also available if desired.

Photo - John Peters
May 2012 Meeting - First - Gymnocalycium species - Sam McNair (18/05/2012)
Click here to see higher resolution photo
Photo - John Peters
May 2012 Meeting - First - Gymnocalycium species - Sam McNair (18/05/2012)
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Photo - John Peters
May 2012 Meeting - Second - Gymnocalycium chubitensis - Sam McNair (18/05/2012)
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Photo - John Peters
May 2012 Meeting - Third - Gymnocalycium symmetrica - Peter Connolly (18/05/2012)
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Photo - John Peters
May 2012 Meeting - Group photo of Gymnocalycium entrants to competition (18/05/2012)
Click here to see higher resolution photo
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