Ayr Branch BCSS
January 2009 Meeting &
Plant of the Month Competition
Mini Talks
This month we had two mini talks given to us by two members from the Glasgow Branch.
The first talk was by Hamish McKelvie, who showed and gave a talk on the late Iain Lawrie's slides about a trip to Tenerife etc.
It was mostly on succulents with fine slides of Aeonium canariensis and Euphorbia canariensis. Also shown were Aloe Vera, Tulip Trees and Banana Trees all very much larger than we could possible grow in the UK. He also showed us a dry gully with lots of plants and succulents growing in the rich soil.
After this we saw some 50 slides on Cacti. Overall an excellent talk of a past member of our society.
After the tea break it was the turn of Neil Sinclair who gave us four mini, mini talks.
The first on was on Epiphyllums and what an array of different colours and forms there are within this genus.
The second talk was on a visit to a Rhipsalis nursery.
The third talk was on the 1974 national show and some of the fine plants that where shown at that time.
The fourth and final talk took us on five years to the 1979 national show and some of the fine plants previously seen were still there. It was good as we spotted several members in their younger days and had fun trying to recognize them
Two very good talks that were enjoyed by everyone. Thank you Neil & Hamish.
Plant of the Month Pictures - Cristate and Monstrose
High resolution versions of the photos are also available if desired.

Photo - John Peters
Jan 2009 Meeting - First - Mammillaria gracilis monstrosa - Alan Sidaway (16/01/2009)
Click here to see higher resolution photo
Photo - John Peters
Jan 2009 Meeting - First - Mammillaria gracilis monstrosa - Alan Sidaway (16/01/2009)
Click here to see higher resolution photo
Photo - John Peters
Jan 2009 Meeting - Second - Aeonium tabulareforme cristate - Alan Sidaway (16/01/2009)
Click here to see higher resolution photo
Photo - John Peters
Jan 2009 Meeting - Third - Notocactus scopa monstrosa - Alan Sidaway (16/01/2009)
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Photo - John Peters
Jan 2009 Meeting - Group photo of Cristate and Monstrose entrants to competition (16/01/2009)
Click here to see higher resolution photo
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