Ayr Branch BCSS
May 2004 Meeting &
Plant of the Month Competition
At our May meeting we had an excellent talk on Haworthias, given by Dorothy
Minors (the person who sends us our seeds). The slides were very good as
were her plants and we all brought some new additions for our collections
The next day was our show and what a display of wonderful plants, the hall was full of plants of many genus's and some very good show stoppers that I had not seen before. In the open classes there were plants put in by Glasgow branch - Thank you Glasgow.
The show was judged by Dorothy and what a hard job it must have been. In the evening we had our annual dinner and a good time was had by all.
We have no more meetings now till September so a good growing time for all. A big thank you to John and Marie for all the hard work done at the show, also to April who helped Marie with the catering
Plant of the Month Pictures - Rebutia Group
High resolution versions of the photos are also available if desired.

Photo - Alistair Hair
May 2004 Meeting - First - Mediolobivia orugensis - Sam McNair (21/05/2004)
Click here to see higher resolution photo
Photo - Alistair Hair
May 2004 Meeting - First - Mediolobivia orugensis - Sam McNair (21/05/2004)
Click here to see higher resolution photo
Photo - Alistair Hair
May 2004 Meeting - Second - Rebutia spegazziniana v Boliviensis - Alistair Hair (21/05/2004)
Click here to see higher resolution photo
Photo - Alistair Hair
May 2004 Meeting - Third - Rebutia Kranziana yellow form - Alan Sidaway (21/05/2004)
Click here to see higher resolution photo
Photo - Alistair Hair
May 2004 Meeting - Group photo ofRebutia entrants to competition (21/05/2004)
Click here to see higher resolution photo
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